
小区最佳售价纪录-3025 Canoas Creek Ct / Austin

Sophia has been my realtor of choice for the Bay Area for the last 6 years. She is very on top of things and is was able to hone in on what I wanted when looking for a house. I trust her opinion and her research when showing houses. For selling property, I followed Sophia's advice and achieved very good results. She is always thinking about how to get the best deal for you as a homeowner.

在过去的 6 年里,Sophia 一直是我在湾区的首选房地产经纪人。 她非常了解房产事物,并且能够在寻找房子时择拣出什么是我想要的东西。 在展示房屋时,我相信她的意见和研究。 在卖房方面,我听从了Sophia的建议,取得了很好的成绩。 做为房主,她一直在思考如何为我们争取最优惠的价格。